08 August 2005

Anne Holt

Allen and I had lunch on Saturday with Anne Holt. Anne was the original cranky old lady during our campus organizing days. She was an agitator for Graduate Student rights and pestered Student Government persistently until the COGS (Congress of Graduate Students) was established (my first bill in the Student Senate). She then went on pestering until COGS got a $250,000 budget written into our constitution.

Ten years later and she has not slowed down a bit. She moved in with her boyfriend some time ago (scandalous lives these senior citizens lead!), and is now writing western novels full time. She took a part-time job recently to pay for the last few hours of school, as she will be receiving her PhD in September. We are hoping to see her around more often. We had lunch at the Center at Adrians' cafe and she got a tour of the whole works. Anne met the director of the Civil Rights museum and they had a long discussion on the convict leasing program, then had another long talk with a judicial reform activist. Allen is trying to get her involved in grant writing for the Center, and hopefully she will have time. Anne has a lot going on for someone who must be in her late 60's by now.


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